I wanted to post the rest of our vacation pictures. I'm sure you've had enough but I enjoy having this blog to look back at the moments I have forgotten.
To wrap it up, here's a few more. Trust me this is only about 5% of what I took!
Anna Kate and I have a vacation tradition...pedicures! Here she is showing off her blue nail polish. It's always fun girly time.
Best buddies.
Waiting for daddy to go on a doughnut run. What, you don't wear pajamas, a backpack, and a bike helmet on your doughnut runs?
More beach time.
Just so you know it wasn't all smiles.
When Hunter isn't being kind to his brother we like to tell him one day Judd may be bigger. He can't grasp that in his small mind. But I think this photo shows my point. It sure doesn't look like Judd is much smaller than his big bro!
1, 2, 3 JUMP! Judd missed the cue.
We did the "obligatory" family photos the last night. Here is my girl looking way to old.
The three amigos.
David told them to cross their arms. It was so cute watching Juddson figure out how to cross his arms.
These were as good as it got.
We're back to reality around here. The suitcases are put away and the Fall clothes are being taken out. We were so thankful for this trip!