Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oh, that summer fun!

It seems like we have been enjoying the summer for months now.  How is it that summer solstice was only yesterday?  I know in the blink of an eye August will be here and these long summer days will be a thing of the past.  So we've been enjoying our summer.  Plus when it's 97 degrees outside you just have to roll with the punches.  Here's a quick recap of our summer so far:

This pretty much sums up our days.  Can you tell our van is packed out with pool gear & house stuff.  I never knew there were so many decisions involved in fixing-up a house.  Tile, and grout, and trim, oh my!  We've been making tons of decisions and running lots of errands.  While the kids have been troopers I am pretty sure none of us want to step foot in Home Depot for quite a while.  The end is in sight and I am thankful.

We also took a trip to the cabin.  We went tubing which turned into a hilarious crazy event.  Think lost flip-flops, bruised tail bone, and a massive storm.  It's a fun memory...now.  While we were there we decided to do the "Gatlinburg thing."  Here are the kids in the arcade right after a stranger just handed them all these tickets.  "Yea, more junk!"  Oh wait, that was my response, not theirs.


And the hubs turned 30.  Despite my begging, he wasn't up for my photo shoot.  So these are the best I have!  We were able to go away for two nights.  It was a very timely trip and we loved every minute of it.  Much thanks to the sisters for watching the kids so we could get away.

This has also been the summer of animals.  And you guys know how much I love animals...

But my kids do, and I love my kids.  So far this summer they have found a frog, a turtle, tons of lightening bugs, and 3 baby mice.  Baby mice!  Yikes!  It took everything in me to let them hold them.  

And would it really be summer (or any season for that matter) without several trips to Krispy Kreme?  Here's my girl sporting that famous hat.

All this fun ends in lots more baths.  Or at least it should.  Shh, don't tell my mom that we don't bathe them everyday.  But when they look this cute I am almost tempted to.

Move in day is this weekend.  So I'll post some before and after pics of our house.  And maybe I'll see all those errands haven't been in vain.

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