This is a little late, but here is a picture from the girls most recent ballet recital - not that they all danced! Really, it was quite a sight, the older classes went first. All went well and then the younger class (Rylee, Anna Kate & Lydia's class) had their turn. Right before they began dancing a BIG LOUD POP sounded, I think it had something to do with the sound system. Really, I am surprised that any of the children remainded in their spots after that noise. However, Lydia had already fled the scene. As her class was waiting their turn to go up & perform, she made a mad dash (we have only seen her run that fast one time and it was to get M&M's off the floor Savannah had spilled) and told us she had to go to the restroom (quite a coincidence). Kent took her to the restroom where it became obvious that she really did not have to use it. She came back when her group was done. She missed the rest of the show and did not get to see Rylee stand in perfect pose, stare at her parents the whole time and cry. She never moved, except the tears coming from her eyes. Chad & Rebecca kept trying to point her to look at Mrs. Lamachia, but she continued to stare them down. When it was over, she was all smiles and fine. Anna Kate did not run or cry, but she did do the one same step, FAIRY TAP over and over and over - the whole recital. While the other girls were turning and dancing, she fairy tapped. It was definitely a KODAK moment! IS Kodak even still around?
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